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2025 Community Event of the Year Nomination

This award is presented for excellence in Chamber-led Community events. The events are judged on criteria such as value to the community and chamber, resonance within their community and measurable results and innovation. Qualifying events March 2024 - February 2025.
Nominated by:
How many people attended the event?
Tell us about why this event happens. Community celebration? Tourism attraction? Drive revenue to retailers? Build awareness for an industry, such as agriculture or manufacturing?
Is this an annual or one-time event? Did it occur over a few hours, days or longer?
How does this event provide a positive impact on the community? Be specific.
How does this event provide a positive impact to the Chamber? Be specific. Is it making your chamber famous, friends, or money? Bonus points if you can provide specific examples for two or more of these elements.
Please attach a copy of the event budget showing total expenses, revenue lines and profit/loss.
Limit of one attachment, one-page. 8 MB Limit

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